MNRF Work Permit Required for ALL Structures Over the Water Greater than 161 sq.ft.
Due to a recent court decision the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) now requires the submission of an application and issuance of a MNRF work permit for ALLdocks, boathouse, boat ports and any structure over the water greater than 15m2 (161 sq. ft.) before the Township of Lake of Bays can issue building permits.
This 15m2 is the foot print or shadow over the water (measured on the perimeter) and includes floating docks, repair and replacement of existing docks, boathouse, boat ports and any structure over the water.
The Township of Lake of Bays has implemented a transition period until March 18, 2016. Any application received after March 18, 2016 must be accompanied with an MNRF work permit.
This requirement does not apply to any planning or LOC application only the issuance of building permits.
Below is the link to the MNRF web site for applications.
Should you have any questions about the MNRF requirements please contact them at MNR Approval (MNRF): [email protected]
Stephen Watson
Director of Building/By-law Services
Tel: (705) 635-2272 x 225| Toll Free: 1-877-566-0005 |Fax: (705) 635-2132
E-mail: [email protected] | Website: